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        How did you find my page? 

        Be honest: what do you think of DUDE®'S DEN?
        5 - It's one of my favorite sites!!!
        4 - I'll be back for sure!
        3 - Nothing new here. Kinda average.
        2 - I've seen better. (Yawn!)
        1 - Lame. Get me outta here...

        Which page(s) do you like the most?
         DUDE®'S Theme Page
         DUDE®'S Win95 / 3.1 Page
         DUDE®'S Tips 'N' Tricks
         DUDE®'S Cool Stuff Page
         AT&T Worldnet Sucks!

        Which page(s) do you like the least?
         DUDE®'S Theme Page
         DUDE®'S Win95 / 3.1 Page
         DUDE®'S Tips 'N' Tricks
         DUDE®'S Cool Stuff Page
         AT&T Worldnet Sucks!

         Did you find any invalid links? (If so, please note the URL. Thanks.)


Total visitors since 8/14/97:

© 1998, DUDE® (a.k.a. Kevin Kannenberg)