DUDE®'S WIN 95 / 3.1 PAGE
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Ahhh, Windows95... Bill Gates' baby--at least until Win98 rolls out the door (probably in 1999...). Sure, Win95 is a huge improvement over Win3.1, but it does lack a lot. This page will help you make the most out of Win95. (For those of you still using Win3.1: not all the information here is exclusive to Win95.) The highlight of the page is the essential Win95 FREEware and shareware which has been personally selected by DUDE®. Look for the for stuff that is "Highly recommended!" by DUDE®. You'll also find a list of links to software sites, places with Tips 'N' Tricks galore, and more! Increase the productivity of your Win95 sessions today!
What's Here and What's New?
Download Essential Win95 Software Now!
| Forte's Free Agent 1.11 (32-bit) (1028 K): The best newsgroup reader currently on the market--and it's FREEware. If you're still using Netscape or Microsoft IE for reading the newsgroups, you owe it to yourself to get a copy. Try not to be overwhelmed by the interface at first. Although it can look daunting, the benefits over using a browser to read news are many, especially for saving binaries. Also see the Homepage for alternate download sites, info on the 16-bit version for Win3.1, and the shareware version with extra features, Agent v1.0.
| Eudora Light 3.0.5 for Win95 (4486 K): Just as Forte makes a better newsreader than Netscape's, Qualcomm excels with their Eudora email program. Sure, some people prefer Netscape's "browser-feel," but every time you want to look at an email, it has to load... Eudora Lite is much better for email. And, yes, it is FREEware. And now you can get Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) bundled with Eudora Lite! Visit the homepage for details and for info on the shareware Pro version 4.0 and user's manuals for both versions.
| HomeSite v1.2 (503 K): "A FREEware HTML editor?" you ask. "How good can it be?" Hey, it's what DUDE® uses! If you are an experienced HTML user, Homesite is excellent. Features of this completely 32-bit program include color-coding of HTML tags, Explorer-style panes for drag-and-drop access to documents and images, frame wizard, auto-detection of image sizes, and custom toolbars to define up to 75 of your own tags. There are simply too many features to list. Visit the Homesite for Win95 Homepage for much more info and screenshots, plus details on the new shareware v2.0.
| NetLaunch v3.14d (100 K): Even better than DUNCE (see below), when you use Dial-up Networking to go online this great app will enter your password, press the "Connect To" button, and hide the Connect box. But wait! That's not all! NetLaunch has an unlimited number of programs that can be launched when a DUN connection is established. In addition, you can configure it to connect and disconnect from your ISP at preconfigured times. There's more: a user-defined context menu for all your Internet apps. Many people have made the switch to NetLaunch from DUNCE. See Robert Simpson's Homepage for more details and a screen shot of this excellent and essential utility. 
| DUNCE v2.52 (125 K): What's in a name? DUNCE, or Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement, is an excellent FREEware utility which is certainly not stupid. When you use Win95 DUN to connect to your ISP, DUNCE will automatically enter your password and press the Connect button. When the connection has been established, DUNCE will minimize the Connect window and can be set up to launch selected applications (such as Netscape, Eudora, and Agent). In addition, when you launch a selected application and attempt to go online, DUNCE will automatically connect to your ISP. DUNCE can also be programmed to automatically connect to your ISP at any time. Very cool indeed! See the Vector Development Homepage for additional details, including info on the new shareware DUNCE Gold.
| More Properties 2.03 (157 K): Do you find yourself customizing every aspect of Windows95? If so, I'm sure you have TweakUI, the MS Powertoy. Well, now go beyond with More Properties. Features that are not found in TweakUI include: hide Desktop icons, add useful items to context menus in Explorer, AutoRun for various drive types, edit Tip of the Day entries, change additional shell icons, including Start Menu icons, and prevent Drivespace and Doublespace from loading at bootup. For a full list of features (and/or if you get an error when starting or prefer full setup files), visit the More Properties page at Imaginary Software. Definitely snag this FREE baby!
| EzDesk (74 K): Don't you hate when Win95 decides to make your life a little more annoying by periodically rearranging all your desktop icons? Plus, when you change resolutions, your orderly system of icons have to be manually dragged back into position. Get EzDesk! Used in conjunction with QuikRes (change resolution without rebooting), EzDesk will automatically rearrange the desktop icons layout for the new resolution or at any time Win95 pulls a fast one on you. This useful program is also capable of managing the layout of folder icons, hiding all windows, and clearing numerous recently-used lists. Check the homepage for additional details.
| TopDesk v3.0b (110 K): Do you ever need access to icons on the desktop when you have a gazillion windows open, obscuring the desktop? Yes? Then get TopDesk, a great little FREEware utility for Win95 that's similar to--but better than--the MS Powertoy, Desktop Menu. TopDesk adds an icon to the system area of the task bar that gives you complete access to everything on the desktop, including My Computer and the Recycle Bin. In addition, it can hide all the desktop icons completely so your wallpaper is not covered by icons! Even choose from the standard icon or a cool little animated icon in the system tray! Drop by the Snadboy Software homepage for more info and to register to receive updates.
| Tray Shortcuts 3.0 for Windows 95 (15 K): Avoid navigating through the Start Menu to find often-used apps by using this great utility that allows you to put any shortcut in the system tray (you know, by the clock). There are other shareware programs out there that will do this, but Tray Shortcuts is FREE. You can launch the shortcuts by either a single- or double-click. For example, put a shortcut to Netscape in the tray to launch with a simple click. Hint: put a shortcut to Tray Shortcuts in your Startup folder so it starts when Win95 does.
| RtvReco v5.0b8 (46 K): How many times has a Windows program asked you the same question that you've provided the same answer for every time? Sick of it? Get this cool little Donation-ware program (for Win95 or Win3.1) that will push buttons in dialog boxes, maximise and minimize windows, and run batch files. It truly makes the select little annoyances in Windows go away. View the user's manual for details and assistance.
| McAfee VirusScan95 v3.16 (4.8 MB): Keep those bugs at bay with McAfee's latest virus protection for 32-bit. If you download anything from the Internet, you and your computer-pal are susceptible to an infection of the binary kind. Viruses don't only come from the Web either. You can be sent a virus via email or get infected from a floppy. Ever seen the Sandra Bullock movie, The Net? Get protection now! (Homepage at Network Associates.) 
| WinZip 6.3: (692 K): A majority of files available for download from the Web are contained within "zip" files which must be extracted first. An essential tool, WinZip shareware is used to both zip and unzip files within the Windows environment. In addition, by using a 32-bit compression utility to unzip files, you can keep long file names intact. (For example, unzipping DUDE®'s themes!) See the WinZip homepage for the 16-bit version.
| Say the Time v2.0 (1125 MB): This excellent FREE clock utility will actually speak the time every 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes so you don't lose track of time. In addition, create multiple alarms to display messages and/or play .wav files or run programs (e.g. Disk Defragmenter). You can choose the icon displayed on the taskbar as well as numerous ways the time is spoken. Very cool! (Note: make sure to follow the installation instructions exactly.) Visit the Homepage for details on the new v3.0 Commemorative Edition with additional features, including a snooze feature, a "mute" feature, custom chime sounds, and more (shareware $10.00).
| ClockTick v2.1.4 (709 K): Try this cool shareware clock utility for a wealth of options. Play CD tracks, MIDI files, or use your own .wav files for an unlimited number of alarms (or choose from the included two typical alarm sounds, a rooster, or a grandfather clock). Also change both background and LED colors, set "Quick Alarms," and add text to be displayed when an alarm goes off. Using Dial-Up Networking, you can even set the time from numerous servers for accuracy. Visit the ClockTick page for more info, including updates on the version 3.0 beta.
| WS_FTP LE 4.12 (566 K): If you FTP files (to your webpage, for example), you can make your life a little easier with this file transfer protocol (FTP) program for Windows sockets. The interface is designed for novices of FTP, making all operations fairly obvious. Of course, you could go the harder route and use your browser (ugh!), but why bother. Transfer speeds are higher with an FTP client. (Also see BulletProof FTP below for a shareware client.)
| Bill Reid's Button Pusher 1.0 for Windows 95 (7 K): Bill Reid's Button Pusher will allow you to open a number of apps from just one shortcut. Define a simple text file listing the command line arguements (including whether the program is to run normal, maximized, minimized, or hidden) and then define the extension you wish to use for your "batches" and associate them with this program. An example of one use: DUDE® uses this cool little app to open Homesite, his Web documents folder, and Netscape all from one shortcut. You'll need VB Runtime files which are available from Bill's site if you don't have them. Be sure to drop by the rest of Bill Reid's Personal Freeware Dumpsite to snag some other cool little apps.
| Sound Event Editor 97 v2.01 (690 K): If you have Windows 95, and you like to connect sounds to different "events", then Sound Event Editor may be what your looking for! Even with MS Plus!, you are still limited to adding sounds for only a select group of sounds and, unfortunately, these sound settings are the same for each and every program you use. Sound Event Editor '96 will give you the capability of adding unique sounds for Open, Close, Minimize, Maximize, Restore Up and Restore Down for each separate program you use! There are also other versions of v2.01 including self-extracting/installing files with or without VB4.0 runtime files. Visit the homepage for more info, including details on the new shareware version, Wave Events.
| IrfanView32 2.80 (295 K): IrfanView is a very fast FREEware (for private, non-commercial use) 32-bit graphics viewer. It supports most picture formats plus .WAV's, .AVI's, and animated .GIF's. It even has an excellent slideshow. In addition, the program is only one executable file; just unzip it and go! Get LViewPro (below) for manipulating images, but get IrfanView32 to view your images. To learn more about IrfanView and to join the mailing list, drop by the IrfanView32 Homepage. 
| LView Pro v1.D2 (305 K): A great shareware graphics viewer, supporting a wide variety of image formats, including JPEG, GIF, Bitmaps, etc. Many options allow you to manipulate images with ease and import them into slideshows and contact sheets. Note: there is a new version (v2.0 -- 1354 K), but the original is better, IMO. Check the LView Pro Web Page for details.
| RegClean v4.1a (774 K): Do you install every single program that you can get your hands on? Even if you're using an uninstaller, your Win95 registry can become filled with outdated entries that can slow your system down. The solution? Get RegClean, a FREE utility from Microsoft that will perform maid duty on your registry. Plus, it even has an "undo" feature. DUDE® used it and cleaned hundreds of lines from his registry without a single hitch. Also check the MS Knowledge Base periodically for updates. 
| 95Extra v2.1 (210 K): Tweak your system just a little bit more with 95Extra, a package offering more than a few enhancements. What can it do for you? Features include MaxMTU for faster Internet; FixedDiskCache to reduce the size of disk cache (1024kB) to improve system speed; CleanTemp which automatically deletes files in the temporary subdirectories when Win95 starts; and four other valuable features. Want more info? Go here. (Note: according to the author, "Do not install 95Extra if you use MS Plus!")
| Start Menu Changer'97 v2.51 (460 K): Tweak more stuff on your computer with Start Menu Changer`97. No, it's not essential, but it's very cool! Change the icon, text, and tooltip of the Start button. Insert your own start menu vertical logo. Remove Run, Find, Settings, and Shutdown from start menu. Even change the text on the Start menu items such as "Shut Down" and "Programs." Visit the homepage for more info, theme packs, and a screen shot on this cool little utility! (Also drop by the homepage for a v2.52 patch if you have the Hebrew version of Win95.) 
| MS Power Toys (204 K): From the Microsoft Windows Shell Development Team, here are the excellent unsupported tools to enhance Windows 95. Utilities include Desktop Menu, which allows you to open items on your desktop from a menu in the systray; CabView, to view contents of CAB files like they were ordinary folders; enhanced Find and Send To items; and much more! Undoubtedly the best of the bunch are TweakUI and QuikRes. Drop by the Power Toys Page at Microsoft for details on each individual toy or to download them separately.
| BulletProof FTP v1.06 (689 K): Are you still using Netscape or Internet Explorer to download files? One word: ugh. Use an FTP proggie to get your stuff. For one, it's much faster. The best program downloading files I've found is BulletProof FTP. One of the most important things is that it supports file resumes (provided the server supports it). If you get disconnected, BulletProof can resume the d/l, saving you valuable time. All this and the icon is one of the best I've ever seen. Although it's timebomb shareware, it's essential stuff. Drop by the BulletProof FTP Homepage for details and info on registering and/or if you get an error regarding COMCTL32.DLL. Also make sure to grab a wickedly cool wallpaper of the BulletProof logo on the download page! 
Win95 FREEware, Shareware, & More
NONAGS Software: NONAGS' motto: "We Have NO NagWare, CrippleWare, DemoWare, or TimeBombWare!" Essentially, NONAGS offers a collection of 16 and 32 bit Windows software that has no nags, no time limits, no disabled features, or any other tricks. NONAGS only lists FREEware and the very few shareware programs that meet these criteria. The large selection includes HTML Editors, Games, and an invaluable section of Utilities. In addition, there is even a catagory for Free Services from various companies.
The SlaughterHouse: If you are looking for shareware or FREEware, look no further than the SlaughterHouse. Experience their outstanding page, updated every day for the newest programs and patches available online. Search their archives of "what was new yesterday." In addition, they offer the "Autopsy Report": FREE email updates seven days a week, describing the new software that has been added. Plus, there's a rating system actually based on skulls!
MyDesktop.com: Originally billed as "The Ultimate Site for Your Desktop," this site delivers on its claim. The highlight for FREEware and shareware hunters is the Software Explorer (actually located at WindowsCentral, a MyDesktop.com subsidiary) which offers complete descriptions of apps, including file sizes, whether they are free or shareware, and a rating. Don't only visit the software pages though; there's a lot of great material at their site, including the aforementioned WindowsCentral section, Webpedia, oZone Games, and the Virtual Doctor. They even have a free newsletter!
c|net.com: The venerable c|net presents its thorough network of sites, including Shareware.com, Search.com, Gamecenter.com, Computers.com, and Snap! Online. If you need to know something about computers or the Web, go to c|net. Subscribe to the number of their free weekly newsletters for updates about feature articles, reviews, downloads, and more. And be sure to drag yourself away from your computer at least once in a while to catch their weekly program "c|net central" on USA and the Sci-Fi Channel.
Bill Reid's Personal Freeware Dumpsite: If you visit NONAGS (above), chances are that you've noticed several of Bill's programs listed there. These are FREE programs Bill has written in Visual Basic 4 and is making available to the general public, including CommandLine for Win95, HTMLPix for Win95, and WebColor for Win95. Also get Blurb, for making customizable splash screens. Download all you want from this cool site!
Danworld.com: One of my favorite sites for Win95, this well-designed site shows off Dan's personal style. Visit all the areas of Danworld.com, including Dan's World of Windows, Dan's World of Tips, and Dan's World of Games. You'll also find an extensive amount of shareware and freeware, presented in an excellent manner. As entertaining as playing a game, like visiting a giant graphical mall in cyberspace.
Windows 95 Annoyances: Yes, there are some things about Win95 that are extremely annoying. For solid advice on almost every conceivable aspect of Win95, visit this invaluable resource. Includes sections on Customization, Reducing Clutter, Networking, and FAQ's. Most tips are designed for immediate to advanced users. Make Windows work the way you want it to.
PC Throbbers: Okay, now you're probably saying, "What the hell is a throbber?" Well, a throbber is a replacement animation for that meteor-shower-thingie up in Netscape's right-hand corner or for the annoying spinning "e" in MS Internet Explorer 3.0. If you're using Netscape 3.0, the throbber is simple to replace. (Sorry, Communicator users...) Visit this extremely cool page to download throbbers for the "ultimate obscure way to personalize your computer"! Very cool indeed!
Other Assorted Sites of Interest:
Microsoft's Win95 Page: Check out what's going on at the megalithic Microsoft. Download product updates (including bug fixes!), search the Knowledge Base for info on MS products, and more. Just remember to say "hi" to Bill from DUDE®!
The Software Shak: Visit the Shak for a variety of shareware and FREEware which is organized very well in a whimsical style. There are several catagories, including Windows, DOS, Ultimate Surfing Gear, and more. I found some stuff here that I've never seen elsewhere.
www.32bit.com Software Archive: A tremendous amount of shareware and freeware, in several catagories. Includes a feature that allows you to access files added in the last 24 hours, seven days, ten days, etc.
PCWin Resource Center: A cornucopia of Win95 software, tips & tricks, info, and much more for the Win95 enthusiast can be found at this site.
PC Computing: The popular PC magazine's web site offers, among other things, a database of 1,001 best software downloads for your perusal. You know the mag, here's the website.
PC World: PC World Magazine's web site has a variety of shareware and demos in their searchable database. Don't buy the magazine. Read it online for free!
Win95 and Win3.1 Screensavers
Hey Macaroni!: (1168 K): Yes, you've heard the song "Hey, Macarena!" (unless you've been living in a cave, of course). For a truly hilarious alternative to the song, download this FREE screensaver. It features a group of elbow macaroni dancing to the tune and lyrics of "Hey, Macaroni!" Also includes a screensaver "chooser" which is far from flawless. Find more stuff (including the Mike Tyson-Evander Hollyfield ear-biting fiasco saver) at the Risoft Macaroni Page. "My name is Mary Anne and I'm an elbow macaroni / People say I'm better than a bowl of fried baloney..."
Image Cube (132 K) This is an excellent cube saver. Here's what the author says: "I wrote this while I was trying to figure out Direct3D. Point the program's way to six JPG's/GIF's etc. plus a background, and it will rotate them with full light sourcing as a screensaver. Image cube requires DirectDraw to be installed." If you prefer to choose your own images to display, this is an excellent choice because it looks cooler than simply cycling through static images. Visit Grant Smith's page for more cool apps.
Screensavers A 2 Z: Over 536 (and counting!) Windows and Macintosh Shareware, Freeware screen savers that you can download. Complete with brief descriptions and file sizes and, where appropriate, special instructions such as runtime files needed. If you're looking for screensavers, chances are you'll find it here!
Screensaver Heaven: Well, I wouldn't exactly call it heaven, but... This site is one of Galt Shareware's many pages, and features a lot of their own shareware screensavers that annoyingly display a nag screen on the screen itself... Be aware that there are many duplicates from the A 2 Z site too.
Matthew Dean's Screensavers: Not specifically Win95, this homepage has various FREE X-Files-inspired screensavers, including an excellent one with UFO's flying against a night sky (featured in the new theme by DUDE®: The Pandora Directive!). Also find a slideshow player saver and sample code to write your own savers in Virtual Basic 3. Recommended!
Free Homepages & HTML Help
Professional Web Design: Start at one of the servers below that offer free homepages and build a page using the various builder services they offer. Smile! You've got a new home on the Web. Satisfied? Don't be. Head over to Professional Web Design for invaluable tips and tricks that will make your page stand out among the rest. For HTML help, this site is one of the best. Be sure to check out the various tutorials, including frames and tables. (Note: you don't have to use his design services; the tips are free!)
HTML Goodies: Dr. Joe Burns presents his invaluable HTML help for all ranges of Web builders. Whether you're a novice or an accomplished coder, you'll find something of use here. From over 100 HTML tutorials and over 450 JAVA tutorials, this is one comprehensive site! You can also search through a large image library for assorted balls, buttons, bars, etc. for your site. The newest additions for 1998 include info on CSS (cascading style sheets) that DUDE® has to check out soon!
Tripod: Yes, it's the server that hosts DUDE®'S DEN! To quickly get you on the web Tripod offers Microsoft Front Page 98 as their builder! Or experienced HTML users can simply upload pages to their directory. When Tripod first started hosted free pages, the quota was a measley 200 K. On March 22, 1998 they increased the FREE homepage quota from 2 MB to an amazing 5 MB (a pop-up advertising window is part of the deal). Also available is the premium plan which increases your disk space to a whopping 12 MB!
GeoCities: Create a FREE homepage in one of GeoCities unique Web neighborhoods, including Times Square, Silicon Valley, and the Enchanted Forest.
MarketNet Free Web Pages: Have a free page on the MarketNet WWWeb servers. What are you waiting for?
Phrantic Housing Project: Bizarre sums Phrantic up. Get a FREE homepage here and express your individuality!
Angelfire Communications: As with all free homepage servers, make sure to read the rules first.
Total visitors since 11/4/96:
© 1998, DUDE® (a.k.a. Kevin Kannenberg)